Employment expert

Specialist in reintegration

The employment expert considers the possibilities for return to work of your ill employee. For instance by making adjustments in the workplace or looking for other work in or outside your organisation. The employment expert's objective is always to prevent long-term absence and facilitate a quick and responsible return to work. Employers are obligated by law to study how employees can continue to work according to their capacity, for instance by engaging an employment expert. Failure to do so may have consequences for any assessment by the UWV Employment Insurance Agency under the Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act.

The duties of the employment expert

An employment expert is an expert in the social, societal, legal and financial aspects of absence. They investigate which steps the employer and employee can take to help the employee return to work. They also advise on questions and subjects such as:

  • Can the employee reintegrate in their own job? Or must their work or work environment be adjusted?
  • What other work could your employee do?
  • What is expected of you as employer in the event of reintegration with another employer?
  • Are you eligible for subsidies, discounts, compensation or benefits?
  • What regulations apply if someone falls ill again?
  • Are there any possibilities for retraining or in-service training of your employee?


Appropriate support

As regards the engagement of an employment expertr, we offer various services aimed at individual situations:

  • Employment Reintegration Assessment
    An employment reintegration assessment quickly presents the possibilities for return to work of your employee. The advice is recorded in a concrete reintegration plan with clearly laid out follow-up steps.
  • Disability Assessment Check
    The occupational health advisor uses this multidisciplinary check to assess, based on the file, whether the reintegration options are sufficiently used. If so, what options are there? And how can reintegration be accelerated?
  • WGA own-risk bearers
    Are you an own-risk bearer under the WGA (Resumption of Work with a Partial Disability Act)? Than you have a 10-year obligation of reintegration. The occupational health advisor advises and supports you with all processes faced by own-risk bearers.
  • Information and advice
    In addition to the services described above, an occupational health advisor can also give advice on organisation-wide reintegration issues. For instance by providing support to prevention officers and/or giving information to supervisors or HR managers. Information on social security legislation and regulations, more in particular on how to handle UWV processes.

Your benefits

  • Expert and practical advice on reintegration
  • Approach aimed at preventing long-term absence
  • Always an individual approach
  • Cost savings for you as employer
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