Compliance with the law

Do you know which statutory obligations you must meet? Do you have everything in place related to health and safety? Do you know the Eligibility for Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act? There are legal regulations for absence support, healthy working and safe working.

Changes in the Dutch Working Conditions Act as of 1 July 2017

The amended Dutch Working Conditions Act entered into effect on 1 July 2017 The 1-year transitional arrangement will end on 1 July 2018. From then on, you must meet all your obligations under the Dutch Working Conditions Act to avoid fines from the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Inspectorate SZW).


Employees who are ill longer than 2 years and unfit for work for at least 35% are entitled to WIA benefits. WIA is the Dutch Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act

Dutch Working Conditions Act

The Dutch Working Conditions Act provides the basis for a sound health and safety policy. It applies to all employers and employees in The Netherlands. Proper working conditions have a positive influence on employee motivation and the prevention of sickness-related absence. The importance of employers and employees taking personal responsibility for health and safety is pivotal in the Dutch Working Conditions Act. Both parties are subject to statutory obligations.

The Dutch Working Conditions Act focuses on:

  • The general provisions regarding a company's health and safety policy
  • Promoting good working conditions
  • Preventing illness and incapacity for work