Reducing work-related risks

When you know what risks your employees run in your organisation, you can deal with these and considerably reduce the risk of accidents and health complaints. This results in a reduction of absence, more efficient working methods and motivated employees. ArboNed helps you identify and address the risks.

Risk Assessment and Evaluation (RAE, or in Dutch: RI&E)

A risk assessment helps you identify all risks so that you can address them in a targeted manner. An up-to-date risk assessment including Action Plan is a statutory requirement. We will be pleased to help you with the assessment or with the entire process of implementation and documentation of the RAE.


Noise leads to stress, loss of concentration and accidents. ArboNed's multidisciplinary programme for hearing care is aimed at reducing or even preventing the risk of noise-induced hearing loss.


A dry mouth, irritation of the eyes, headache, frequent colds: complaints that may be caused by the climate in the workplace. Our occupational health officer investigates the situation and then offers solutions to improve the climate in and around your company.

Hazardous substances

Employees in many companies often work with hazardous substances without them being aware of this. These include paint, detergents or welding fumes. Our occupational health officers measure and assess the risk and advise you on the best working method. 


Bright light has a different impact on employees than dimmed light. What kind of light has a stimulating effect? And what works best in your work environment? The occupational health officer can advise you on this.

Preventative Medical Examination (PME)

A Preventive Medical Examination (PME) is a series of methods used by company doctors to monitor and improve the health of the employees in your organisation. Every employer has the obligation to offer employees a Preventative Medical Examination.

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