5 tips for an up-to-date Risk Assessment and Evaluation (RAE)

As an entrepreneur with staff, you are obliged to have an up-to-date Risk Assessment and Evaluation (RAE), including an Action Plan. That is stipulated in the Working Conditions Act.

The RAE is a mandatory tool for employers to promote health and safety in the company. The Action Plan describes the measures you as an employer take to tackle the identified risks. Use our five tips for an up-to-date RAE. 

1. How often should the RAE be updated?

The Working Conditions Act (“Arbowet”) does not contain any periods for the retention of documents, so also not from the RAE . As a good employer, it is wise to continuously update the RAE. You can tackle risks in a structured manner and thus limit the chance of work-related health complaints and accidents. Updating is actually a continuous process, but we recommend reviewing the RAE and Action Plan at least every four or five years.

2. Adjust immediately when internal factors change

You must always adjust your RAE immediately if internal factors change, such as setting up a new production line, expanding the range of services, a major renovation or a major change in employee tasks. New risks may arise due to changes in the working method or circumstance. 

3. Keep an eye on changing external factors

Don’t just look at factors within your company, but also outside it. Does new legislation apply to your organisation? Are there new developments in areas such as technology, occupational healthcare, ergonomics or work and organisation? Then it may be wise to adjust your RAE. Please note: in the case of new legislation, the RAE must be adjusted, with other points it is desirable.

4. Regularly assess the Action Plan

As mentioned, we recommend reviewing the RAE at least every four to five years. But what about your Action Plan? Because it is the basis for actions in the field of working conditions, it is important to assess the Action Plan more often. For example, check whether the agreements have been met. Also take a critical look at the causes of any accidents or absenteeism. Perhaps this will provide new insights, which means you have to introduce new measures or give existing points more priority. 

5. Keep the prevention officer informed

The prevention officer in your company is involved in drawing up your RAE. If you have a employee representative body or works council, the prevention officer must attend their meetings regularly. If the prevention officer is aware of new investments, renovations or expansions, he can immediately consult the Action Plan. This way, your company immediately prevents (new) risks. If you have fewer than 25 employees, you as an employer can also take on the role of prevention officer yourself.

Training: Make your own RAE (in Dutch)

Want to ensure your RAE complies? Then follow this practical, interactive training of one day. The training is suitable for both office and production environments. 

More information and registration


How to keep the RAE alive

You must regularly review various factors of your RAE or perhaps completely redo them. It may be that your RAE is up to date, but that too little is done with it in practice. How do you prevent the RAE from becoming a ‘paper tiger’? When drawing up the RAE and AP, you must determine in advance who will play a role in the implementation and execution. It is also important that the key parties (the prevention officer, employee representative body and employer) have regular consultations about the RAE. This way, you can keep an eye on progress and celebrate successes. 

Need help with your RAE?

Does your RAE need an update? Our consultants can help you.

  • The entire implementation of the RAE in your organisation.
  • Drawing up the Action Plan.
  • Conducting the mandatory RAE (not mandatory for companies with a maximum of 25 employees that use a recognised industry RAE instrument).
  • Coaching via My Prevention Expert

Ask your regular contact person about the possibilities for your company.