What you need to know

Reducing Absence

Absence means that an employee does not show up at work and gives 'sickness' as the reason for this. They may report sick for a short period of time, because they have the flu for example, but also for a longer period of time. Accordingly, there is a difference between short and long-term absence.Restricting or even preventing sickness absence is vital to your business operations. Read all about preventing and reducing absence here.

Read more about reducing absence

Reducing work-related risks

You can reduce the probability of accidents and health complaints significantly if you know the risks that employees run in your organisation. By tackling these risks, you reduce absence and ensure motivated employees who can work efficiently and safely. As an employer, you are even obliged by law to offer your people a healthy and safe working environment. In this article you can read what work-related risks there are and what you can do to address them.

Read more about reducing work related risks

Compliance with the law

Do you comply with all statutory provisions that apply to you under the Working Conditions Act? Is everything in the area of health and safety in order? Are you familiar with the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act and do you follow all mandatory steps relating to absence? Read all about the statutory obligations for a good working conditions policy here.

Read more about compliance with the law

Improving Health

People who feel good about themselves benefit not only privately but also at work. They are less susceptible to stress, have more energy and feel like working. Healthy and vital workers are more productive and less often ill. For you as an employer, employees with a healthy lifestyle are therefore very valuable and ultimately cost-saving. You can play an active role in this. Because although lifestyle is the employee's choice, you can definitely make your employees aware of how they can positively influence their health.

Read more about improving health