Explanation of ArboNed privacy statement
Personal data is processed within the compass of our service provision, e.g. if you have attended a consultation with one of our company doctors or if as the employer you supply us with data on your employees. Our privacy statement sets out what data is processed, how long it is stored and what your rights are.
You can read all about this in our privacy statement on our website. Below we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions on our privacy statement and the processing of personal data within ArboNed.
What information can I find in a privacy statement?
A privacy statement is an informative document in which we explain to you how we go about processing your personal data within ArboNed. The privacy statement goes into detail on such matters as what personal data is processed, for what purpose and how we secure the personal data against loss and theft. Furthermore, the party concerned (i.e. the person whose personal data is being processed) has several rights with regard to his personal data. For example, he will be entitled to submit a request to view the personal data on him that is being processed. The party concerned can also submit a request to have his personal data corrected or amended.
What personal data on you do we store?
Depending on the relationship we have with you, we process certain personal data on you.
If your employer is an ArboNed customer, then your personal data will be processed by our organization if we are providing you with healthcare services. This could be the case if (for instance) you attend a consultation with a company doctor or undergo a Preventative Medical Examination (PME).
The personal data that we can process on you includes such details as your name, address, date of birth and telephone number. In addition, we process data on your health if we are providing or have provided healthcare services to you.
We also process personal data on our customers and suppliers insofar as this is required to enable us to provide our services. Moreover, we also process personal data from job applicants to ensure that the application procedure runs smoothly. You can read more on this in our privacy statement.
In order to improve our healthcare provision to employers, we carry out (scientific) research. Data is used within the compass of this. Research is only done with anonymized data that cannot be traced back to an individual. Reports and statistics that we prepare for employers or their employee participation body will only contain data at group level and will not contain any personal data that can be traced back to an individual.
Where is your data stored?
Our professionals store the personal data that we process in your personal occupational health file, which is saved in digital format in software applications specially developed and designed for the purposes of monitoring and fostering work, health and vitality. These software applications are properly secured against loss and theft of your data, ensuring that we are in a position to guarantee the safe processing of your personal data.
What people within ArboNed are entitled to view your data?
The systems in which your personal data is stored have been set up in such a way that only authorized persons have access to your personal data. Personal data that we process on you within the compass of the healthcare services we provide to you is accessible to the company doctor treating you and those persons directly involved in the healthcare provision. Furthermore, your personal data can be viewed by the set locum for your company doctor (where applicable) and the company doctor is entitled to discuss your file with a colleague if this is necessary to ensure good healthcare service provision to you.
What data pertaining to you is issued to third parties?
In principle, we do not issue any personal data on you to third parties. It can, however, be necessary to issue your personal data to a third party in certain circumstances, e.g. for the sake of compliance with the law. In such cases we will be entitled to share certain personal data with third parties. This will always be done in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant privacy legislation. For example, we are entitled to issue certain personal data on you to your employer within the framework of absence management. This pertains to such things as feedback from the company doctor required for the purposes of your reintegration. Furthermore, a limited quantity of your personal data can be issued to your employer’s disability insurer to enable the insurer to assess whether it will pay out in the event of your incapacity for work. We are also required under certain circumstances to supply personal data on you to the Netherlands Employees Insurance Agency (UWV), e.g. data that the UWV needs in order to establish whether you are eligible for benefits in the event of you being unfit for work.
If there is no (legal) obligation for us to supply personal data on you to a third party, then we will only make personal data available to third parties with your express approval. This could be the case if (for example) you give the company doctor your consent to share your personal data with another healthcare professional within the framework of an intervention (such as a psychologist).
Can I view the information on me or have it corrected?
You are entitled to view the personal data on you that we are processing. You can ask to view your personal occupational health file. You can request an overview of the personal data on you that we are processing. Moreover, you can submit a request to have your personal data amended if you believe that the data on you that we are processing is incorrect. ArboNed’s privacy statement sets out how you can submit a request to view your personal data or have it amended. The privacy statement also sets out what other rights you have vis-à-vis the personal data on you that we are processing.
Want to know more?
If you would like to find out more about the processing of your personal data, please consult our privacy statement. The statement includes contact details in case having read the privacy statement you still have some questions.