
Work-related psychosocial stress (WPS)

Undesirable behaviour, such as bullying or discrimination, and excessive work pressure can literally make your people sick. This is called work-related psychosocial stress, or: WPS. The Dutch Working Conditions Act obliges employers to prevent WPS as much as possible. The approach is laid down in a statutory work-related psychosocial stress policy: the WPS policy. 

If you invest in the atmosphere and mutual relationships in the workplace, you can prevent absence and increase motivation and production

ArboNed will be happy to help you with an effective WPS policy in a way that suits your company. We provide you the tools so you can do it yourself, we do it together with you or you can have it done and we do it for you. 

Checklist for your WPS policy

Don't give absence due to undesirable behaviour or a high workload a chance. Use our checklist and immediately start with your own WPS policy.

Download the checklist

WPS policy in 5 steps

How can you prevent work-related psychosocial stress? By making clear agreements about this within your company.

WPS policy in 5 steps